News + Insights from the Legal Team at Zalkind Duncan & Bernstein

Emma Quinn-Judge Defeats Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment in Race Discrimination Case

Zalkind Law’s Emma Quinn-Judge recently defeated a motion for summary judgment by a car dealership and its owners that sought to throw out race discrimination and retaliation claims brought against them by our client. The Superior Court soundly rejected the defendants’ argument that there was not enough evidence to support a race discrimination claim: the Court found that “the frequent, objected-to use of the plaintiff’s race as an identifier in an unwanted ‘nickname,’” as well as “references to stereotypes of Black culture, allusions to violence against Black individuals, and an arguably disingenuous question regarding why white people could not use the n-slur” were certainly sufficient to support a claim that our client was subjected to a racially hostile work environment. The Court also rejected the defendants’ arguments that our client’s claim was untimely and that there was not enough evidence to support a retaliation claim. Our client looks forward to proving his claims at trial. 

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