Naomi Shatz Meets with Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos to Discuss Campus Sexual Assault
On July 13, 2017, Zalkind Law’s Naomi Shatz was invited as an expert on campus sexual assault and Title IX proceedings to participate in a summit on sexual assault held by the Secretary of Education. Secretary DeVos met with students who had experienced sexual assault on campus as well as students who had been accused of committing sexual assault on campus, and then met with university presidents, attorneys for universities, and experts on Title IX to hear their thoughts on how the Education Department should address sexual assault on campus.
Media coverage of Naomi’s participation in the meeting and her thoughts on the state of Title IX enforcement at colleges and universities can be found here:
DeVos: Too many college students have been treated unfairly under Obama-era sexual assault policy (Washington Post)
Did Betsy DeVos Hurt Sexual Assault Survivors by Agreeing to Hear Both Sides? (Mic)
DeVos: “Work To Be Done” on Title IX (Diverse)
Here’s Why Schools Might Not Change Their Approach to Campus Rape, Even if Besty DeVos Does (BuzzFeed News)
What’s Next on Title IX (Inside Higher Ed)